If you need a sword or shield, seek elsewhere. The world of military metaphors is best left to men with gnawing inferiority complexes.
The pen is far mightier than the sword and knowledge far more powerful than bullets. Read below to find what aid Ziggy can lend you… for the right coin. 😉
***ATTENTION: The rates below give a standard of payment expected, however, please understand that nothing is concrete. Ziggy much prefers nuanced discussions; great flexibility and negotiation are always available regarding rates and payment. Perhaps even just a good ol’ fashioned barter!
If you’re interested in hiring yourself a Ziggy, the best thing you can just do is reach out and see if his talents are availble. 😀
Website Content Production
Hire Ziggy to produce content for your site. Content production is a cut above pure writing because good content is more than just good writing. Good content needs to be targeted to your audience, SEO-friendly, and snappily written but also engaging and stylistic to the reader right down to the formatting and images. Good writing can draw someone in, but good content keeps them around.
This is the way to go if you need more than just copy. Budding websites and smaller-scale projects desiring organic SERP-based traffic will benefit from this, however, so will anyone simply needing a professional to provide them a slick batch of finalised content.
Though one-off pieces are available, it is recommended that you consider a package: a finalised set of content will come with strong link architecture, monetisation and CTA opportunities, and will be targeted to your audience and Google’s whims alike.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
Content Writing
Do you need the words of a wily writer, poet, or scholar? Then take a seat with Ziggy around the fire and tell him what you need. From informative and researched articles to short and long-form blogs, opinionated pieces of editorial, or even something a dash more creative, Ziggy’s words are yours for the right coin.
If all you need is some damn fine writing for your website, publication, or anything else, then this is right for you. Words come cheaper than full content, provided all further aspects of production are handled elsewhere.
Research-heavy content and SEO-driven copy bring a higher price, but the results speak for themselves. Anyone can put words on paper, but the art of writing is a trade best left to the professionals.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
Short, sweet, punchy, and grabbing – copywriting is the art of saying more for less. Slogans, advertising, landing pages, brochures, press releases, and anything else that lands outside the realms of content is copywriting’s domains… and Ziggy’s!
Basically, anybody who needs copy but isn’t looking for content or narrative-driven writing will benefit from this service. And you do need this service because good copy sells. Good copy isn’t just about the words: it’s about their psychology. One tweak to a sentence can change the entire game.
There’s some bleed over into marketing services here, and you’re likely to benefit from a combination of both, but if there are empty spaces in your marketing projects on website pages just aching for some fine wordage, then this is for you.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
Ziggy has been known to work from the shadows from time to time – it can be fun to let go of the ego of the artiste. But shadow-work is another beast in of itself; it requires ongoing dialogue and understanding between the two parties, a flexible editing process, and a certain level of mimicry.
Unfortunately, given the nature of shadow-work, Ziggy cannot provide portfolio examples of ghostwriting. However, in a more private setting of intimate conversation, he might be more inclined to elucidate you on his previous work
If you’re looking for a professional to write AS you – as opposed to FOR you – then this service is for you. Ghostwriting can take many forms. You might need a longer publication, maybe an autobiography, or even a series of content all written “by you”. No matter the need, if it’s a ghostwriter you seek, you need someone with a certain level of both prowess and amicability.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
Marketing – General
Marketing, put simply, is how you speak to your audience. It’s how you convey yourself and your brand to your audience. These days, it’s all about that social media game – Ziggy despises social media, but he can play the game.
However, and fortunately for Ziggy, marketing is so much more than just how you string your socials. It’s strong branding, it’s good PR, it’s powerful advertising; it’s where, how, and who you build your customer relationship with. Marketing is psychology, communication, data, and the gift of the gab all rolled into one little game – and Ziggy likes games.
To be frank with you, this service is mostly for people that have neglected this aspect of their business building thus far. Let’s be real: most established businesses, websites, and traders will already have laid the foundations of their marketing channels. But for anyone who hasn’t yet, then this service is definitely for them. Don’t undervalue the impact a powerful marketing strategy can have.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
Marketing – Email
You may start your humble journey into marketing with a few Facebook and Insta ads and some brand recognition, but when it becomes time to level up, you get your email marketing sharpened and ready for battle.
This is Ziggy’s wheelhouse. It takes copy and content writing, combined with all the psychology of an effective marketing strategy, and throws in some delicious data to be puzzled through too. Email funnels, competitions and giveaways, sales, newsletters, and everything else you can jam inside the fun of an inbox. It’s dangerous to go alone, take this.
…And Ziggy.
EVERYONE. Everyone stands to gain from a strong email marketing component to their business. Whether it’s a highly customised funnel to convert newcomers to paying customers or weekly newsletters to turn casual enthusiasts into a core readership, email marketing is a direct line of communication to your audience and marketing. If you aren’t blasting emails, you’re missing out on easy wins.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
SEO Consultation
Some might tell you that SEO is a soft science: so would Ziggy. He’d tell you “Really, it’s just a matter of knowing what usually works and then throwing all of that at the wall and seeing what sticks.”
He’s not wrong, however, Ziggy also has a pathological streak of self-deprecation. SEO requires a typically neurodivergent love of cryptic puzzles, a background knowledge in the history of Google’s dastardly algorithms, and all the skills that come with content production, copywriting, and marketing.
Luckily, you’ve found this place.
Only if you want content that ranks… Which you do! There are only so many ways to pull in traffic to your site and organic traffic is one horn of that bull. Better yet, it’s a passive method. Aggressive marketing strategies and an engaged social media presence require consistent action and attention, but a site and catalogue of content finely tuned to Google’s banditry pays dividends while you rest.
This service can come in many ways tailored to your needs. You may require consultation on practices best suited for your site, optimisation strategies for your existing content, or a tactical plan for your upcoming projects. But whatever your SEO needs are, you’ll stand a much better chance in the arenas of the SERP with a veteran gladiator at your back.
All work is charged at a benchmark rate of 25 USD/hour on average. This is a greatly averaged rate to incorporate the wide scope of duties, skills, and tools needed for a diverse array of potential services.
Ultimately, it’s much better to quote on a case-by-case basis. Rates charged on a “per word” basis are available wherever possible, meanwhile, piece rates “per project” will attract a discount. The rates will also vary depending on the requirements of the work and the scope of duties it entails.
The summary is that the best thing you can do is just to contact Ziggy and see what rates are on offer! Ziggy has been known to be very generous in his mercenary dealings, should he take a special interest in your work…
The Next Step is Simply to Ask
What’s next for you?
If you want to work with Ziggy on your content, discuss potential opportunities for your business, or even nail in a concrete quote, contact him below. The answer is always ‘no’ until you ask.